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Friday, June 22, 2012

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World - 4 stars out of 5 stars

When I first saw this film back in 2003 ,when it was released, I was fooled by the trailer into thinking it was more of a Hornblower epic was film and was therefore disappointed.Later I realized what a good old sea sailing film it truly was and changed my opinion  upwards.Yes its war and yes its violent but it more than that.Its young boys becoming men,Exploration mixing with the needs of war.Friendships adapting to both.It's a bit long at 138 minutes thus the one star off.However its well cast and weaves a engrossing tale.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.Highly recommend.

In April 1805 during the Napoleonic Wars, the H.M.S. Surprise, a British frigate, is under the command of Captain Jack Aubrey. Aubrey and the Surprise's current orders are to track and capture or destroy a French privateer named Acheron. The Acheron is currently in the Atlantic off South America headed toward the Pacific in order to extend Napoleon's reach of the wars. This task will be a difficult one as Aubrey quickly learns in an initial battle with the Acheron that it is a bigger and faster ship than the Surprise, which puts the Surprise at a disadvantage. Aubrey's single-mindedness in this seemingly impossible pursuit puts him at odds with the Surprise's doctor and naturalist, Stephen Maturin, who is also Aubrey's most trusted advisor on board and closest friend. Facing other internal obstacles which have resulted in what they consider a string of bad luck,... Written by Huggo

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