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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Run Silent Run Deep - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Classic submarine war film released in 1958 and running only 93 minutes,there is little not to like about this film.Like many WW11 films there is conflict within the troops.In this case it involves Clark Gable as Cmdr. 'Rich' Richardson, whose own sub was sunk and now takes command of the sub Burt Lancaster  as Lt. Jim Bledsoe,thought he would command as he was the ex-o and the captain had been wounded on a prior patrol.Nope,Rich wants a crack at the destroyer that sunk him first and then 3 more subs all in a area called "The Bungo Straits" Rich is not quite as bad as "Ahab"chasing his whale,but close.Jim tries to stay a good officer while the crew is on the verge of mutiny against Rich.All this on a tiny "pig boat".Will the Japs get them or will they get themselves??Don't worry,it was made in 1958 so the good guys win but not without a few twists along the way.Quite exciting for such a old film.My only issue is the b&w and some overlapping combat film shots.Still,one of only 3 or so sub combat films worth seeing.A must see for serious WW11 students,even if not factual,it feels good.

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