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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Things to do in Denver when you are dead - 3 stars out of 5 stars

If you liked"Fargo"you'll like this film.Released in 1995 and running 115 minutes it has one actor in common to both films Steve Buscemi who plays similar characters and meets a similar fate.However this film is more gritty and crazy in the sense that even the good guy is a killer,and not a cop as in Fargo,which I reviewed earlier.I tool 2 stars off for the extreme violence and highly questionable morals but it is a guilty pleasure sort of film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Jimmy the Saint's business is videotaping the terminally-ill, so that they will be around to give 'Afterlife Advice' to their survivors. He hasn't been doing too well lately and has had to turn to loan-sharks to accomodate his failing business, as well as his expensive personal tastes. When an evil gangster-overlord buys up his note and demands a favor of Jimmy, in exchange for the interest that he can't afford, Jimmy capitulates. Jimmy is to scare someone for the gangster-overlord--really rough them up. Without giving too much away (spoiler), the scene goes down badly and Jimmy and his crew all end up with contracts on their heads for their trouble. Written by Tad Dibbern <>

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