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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Water for Elephants - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Sorry,I loved the idea of this film but didn't like the casting and it moved so slowly.Still I recommend ONE viewing as a different sort of circus picture as well as a flashback,which is the reason I viewed it.Basically a old man is found in the lot of a circus as its getting ready to leave.As the manager is trying to find out where he came from and get someone to get him,the old man tells him a story set in 1931.Its of a young vet student who has a great life in front of him but a car crash kills his parents and leaves him out on the road,penniless and alone.He wanders into a circus and the story of what his life would become unfolds as he falls for that managers wife after caring for her horse and then a elephant she rides.
Its not a pretty story for this is the depression and the circus is no glamour job.Hard and money driven.Well the story ends with the old man now joining the circus he's telling the story to.Its a grand story but the actors were all wrong I felt and the story is depressing enough without the killing slow pace.Still,released in 2011 and a very LONG 120 minutes,its a 50/50 recommendation at best. Trailer URL follows the pix

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