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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Easy Money ( 1983 ) - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There seems to be a few movies with this title so make sure you look for 1983 release year and starring Rodney Dangerfield. Running only 95 minutes,I took off 1/2 star for ha ing a slightly 80's dated "feel and look" That said it is so PI,politically incorrect,check your values at the door.No seat belt wearing in cars,drinking beer behind the wheel,hiding "roaches"in roach motels in the bathroom,carting  a wedding cake in a van and wedging it against a toilet,I can go on and on.That is Dangerfield and some would say,way he can't get no respect.The final line in the film is"I wouldn't kiss my mother-in-laws face,now I kiss her ass"The plot is simple enough,think of another movie I reviewed called"Dim Sum Funeral"only substitute a family of 2 girls,one JUST married, and a wife and Rodney,instead of siblings and stir very irreverently and you got it somewhat,or should I say,Dim sum copied this film with those changes.Joe Pesci shows a little of the comic timing he would display later in another film I reviewed"My Cousin Vinny".Jennifer Jason Leigh is great as a nervous young bride who is REALLY a closet Rodney and Taylor Negron again makes you wonder why he is not a super star and finally Jeffrey Jones turns in another great performance as the guy you love to hate.Many other veteran actors fill out fine roles in my kinda of comedy.I loved this film.A must see comedy of NY irreverence. FORGETABOUTIT  !!! Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.Oh and Billy Joel wrote the theme song especially for this movie.

To inherit his mother-in-law's colossal fortune, a hard living, gambling addict must change his unhealthy ways before it gets the best of him.

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