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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Memphis Belle - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A very uneven war film.The highest ratio of causality to service, for the US armed forces in WW11,was the Army Air Corp Bomber groups.If you could survive 25 missions you would be sent back home.That was the problem,survive thru 25 missions and the Memphis Belle bomber crew of the 8th army air group was the first to accomplish this in 1943.I had been to the Memphis Belle monument on Mud Island in Memphis and knew of her legend.However this 1990 film,which was inspired by a 1944 documentary about her,runs 107 minutes and takes quite awhile to get started.The cast is also uneven as to believability.Still midway through it does hit its stride and we are along for one hellava ride as this crew of nine tries to survive to finally go home.There are better overall war films but the reality of the truth behind this film is gripping when you go aloft where its -30 degrees and no where to go when your plane is hit.I recommend the film for serious students of the war,for the action is later in the film and with a far more more powerful story then the  adverage bang,bang film.2 stars off for so/so casting and taking far to long to hit its stride.Trailer URL follows the pix.Truly a story about the greatest generation.

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