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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 3 stars out of 5 stars

I wasn't a big fan of the planet of the apes and its sequels,I just never bought the premise that apes would inherit OUR world IF we descended from them.However I must admit this prequel,made many years later in 2011 and running 105 minutes,paints a interesting premise,if not all that believable while leaving room for its own sequels,on just HOW that might happen.James Franco as Will Rodman gives a good performance as a man, who in the end,screws everything up trying to good a good thing.
Basically the stories centers around Will trying to develop a drug to cure Alzheimer disease to save his father played  by John Lithgow.problem is they experiment on apes and well one thing leads to another.You get the idea.In the end,a large group of apes escape to the redwood forest after winning a battle with San Fransisco police on the Golden gate bridge.Its worth seeing the film for that climax alone.How the human race is doomed is a harder to except.By a pandemic caused by the same virus meant to cure Alzheimer and gave rise to the apes intelligence.Kinda hard to swallow but the climax plus the apes themselves make it worth seeing and only taking 2 stars off.It does need a squeal to better explain that pandemic final of our race.Trailer URL follows pix and a IMDB summer below

Eight years of being raised by humans and now left behind in an abusive sanctuary, a hyper-intelligent chimpanzee will lead a revolution of apes towards freedom from man's torturous exploitation.

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