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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Blues Brothers - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1980 and running long at 133 minutes,this movie is rather dated and has no decent story.Thus 1 and 1/2 stars off.BUT 3 and 1/2 stars to see !!!.Why?? Well for starters its a historic first in the sense that a Saturday Night Live comedy routine   was expanded to a full length movie.This has now been done a number of times,but none better than this first film.The problem is to make a movie out of a 5 minutes prime time act.What director John Landis and star and co-writer John Belushi choose to do was concentrate on the music.The list of soul and blues singers just might be the best ever on film including a big band leader,Cab Calloway.But the best number is early on by Aretha Franklin.Throw in Ray Charles,James Brown,John Lee Hooker and a underutilized Chaka Khan,you begin to see the talent assembled.Actors included in small parts, Carrie Fisher, Twiggy,Steve Lawrence,Paul Reubens,Henry Gibson,John Candy and many more,some not even credited,like Mr T.Eye candy for sure along with the music.Ah,but the story is week but who cares???Trailer URL follows the pix and IMDB summary below.Oh sorry,THE GREAT Dan Aykroyd,is the other "Blues Brother".

After the release of Jake Blues from prison, he and brother Elwood go to visit "The Penguin", the last of the nuns who raised them in a boarding school. They learn the Archdiocese will stop supporting the school and will sell the place to the Education Authority. The only way to keep the place open is if the $5000 tax on the property is paid within 11 days. The Blues Brothers want to help, and decide to put their blues band back together and raise the the money by staging a big gig. As they set off on their "mission from God" they seem to make more enemies along the way. Will they manage to come up with the money in time? Written by Sami Al-Taher <>

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