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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Excalibur - 4 stars out of 5 stars

In this wonderful version of "King Arthur"we get a darker version with incest,infidelity,betrayal,lust,patricide and still a tale of Honor and morality that has become known as the time of "Camelot"What a cast and yet the main part of Arthur played by     Nigel Terry takes some time to warm up to.That plus the 140  minute length caused me to take 1 star off.Still this 1981 version focus on the sword as a symbol of right and that who wields it,is well worth the time.It stands well against the CGI crap in theaters today.Hey,a young Helen Mirren as Morgana,half sister of Arthur is worth seeing in of itself.Small parts in the beginning by Gabriel Byrne as the bad guy father of Arthur and Liam Neeson as his envied enemy are to short sadly.Finally Nicol Williamson as Merlin is both sinister and sad.MUST see if you like sword and sorcery.One of the most rousing scores for this sort of movie as well.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

The myth of King Arthur brought once again to the screen. Uthur Pendragon is given the mystical sword Excalibur by the wizard Merlyn. At his death Uthur buries the sword into a stone, and the next man that can pull it out will be King of England. Years later Arthur, Uthur's bastard son draws Excalibur and becomes king. Guided by Merlyn, Arthur marries Guenivere and gathers the Knights of the Round Table. Arthur's evil half-sister Morgana sires a son with him, who may prove his downfall. Written by Greg Bole <>

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