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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lifeboat - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

From the year of Titanic we jump ahead roughly 30 odd years.It's WW11 and a ship has been sunk and a lone woman,Tallulah Bankhead as Constance 'Connie' Porter , in a fur coat and a run in her stocking is taking pictures of the wreckage floating by from a "Lifeboat"in which she is the only passenger.Such is the opening scene of this 1944 film directed by the great Alfred Hitchcock.Before you think this is some sort of crazy mental early Hitchcock weird movie,remember its was written by John Steinbeck !!!1
No what we are about to watch is the greatest survive at sea movie ever made.The only reason I took 12 star off is because its in b&w.As the film continues one after another survivors are picked up till the boast has 9 passengers,including the captain of the german sub that had sunk the ship everyone was on but managed to also sink the sub as well.
Thats the setting for suspense but there is comedy as well as Connie loses all her earthy possessions  she had managed to save.The film is remarkable on many levels with  "a"list cast from that time.There is no trailer i can find,but I have posted a scene instead and a IMDB summary is below.

In the Atlantic during WWII, a ship and a German U-boat are involved in a battle and both are sunk. The survivors from the ship gather in one of the boats. They are from a variety of backgrounds: an international journalist, a rich businessman, the radio operator, a nurse, a steward, a sailor and an engineer with communist tendencies. Trouble starts when they pull a man out of the water who turns out to be from the U-boat. Written by Col Needham <>

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