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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Last Man on Earth - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1964 and running only 86 minutes this is my favorite film based on the Richard Matheson book"I am Legend"The movie is not as scary as Romero's "Night of the living dead"but the story is every bit as thought provoking.My main issue is the feel is sort TVish and off course b&w thus the 1 and 1/2 stars off.However,Price excels as a man who has to survive against the vampires all by himself .
The ending is remarkable and a bit unsettling and not in a horrific way.
A must see once if your into post vampire/zombie/apocalypse films.Trailer URL below and IMDB summary below.

Dr. Robert Morgan is the only survivor of a devastating world-wide plague due to a mysterious immunity he acquired to the bacterium while working in Central America years ago. He is all alone now... or so it seems. As night falls, plague victims begin to leave their graves, part of a hellish undead army that''s thirsting for blood...his! Written by Jeremy Lunt <>

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