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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Heaven's Gate - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

When this film was released in 1980 the movie critics called this the "worst"movie ever made.It's not THAT bad.I give it my bearly watch 2 1/2 stars because it's TOO long at 140 minutes.and the story is short.The real story is the old settlers vs cattleman saga of that era.The filler is a warped love story invoking a whore,gunman lawman and bar keeper.
That said its a sprawling canvas of the wide  open spaces that was Wyoming and great acting even if the story was stretched almost to boring.When the big show down comes it was,in a way,worth the wait,maybe. Kris Kristofferson as James Averill  was never better.
Christopher Walken as Nathan D. Champion was never more sane.Jeff Bridges as John L. Bridges was never more obscure,Sam Waterston as Frank Canton was never more evil,John Hurt as Billy Irvine never more irrelevant and Isabelle Huppert as Ella Watson may have been the most interesting of the bunch on many levels.A few other early roles by better known actors today like Richard Masur and Mickey Rourke and Brad Dourif.
Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Michael Cimino's bleak anti-western based on events in 1890s Wyoming. Sheriff James Averill attempts to protect immigrant farmers from wealthy cattle interests, and also clashes with a hired gun, Nathan Champion, over the woman they both love, Ella Watson. Both men find themselves questioning their roles in the furious conflict between wealthy landowners and European immigrants attempting to build new lives on the American frontier, which culminates in a brutal pitched battle. Written by Bernard Keane <>

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