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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Moneyball - 5 stars out of 5 stars

OK I'm a Brad Pitt but boy BUT this is a hell of a movie.It's sports but a whole lot more.There is a honor and pathos to the story that if we haven't gone thru a similar challenge ourselves,we wish we had.
Billy Bean ( Brad Pitt) had a short career as a ball player rather than going to college.A decision he made for money and learned a bitter lesson from.You see he never made it big and, well ,college went by the boards.He married but that didn't last,however he remained extremely close to his young daughter, Kerris Dorsey who play Casey Beane.She was a scene stealer.Jonah Hill  as Peter Brand,Billy's new assistant,shows he more than a drunken du-fuss and might really be a actor !!! Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Art Howe as a manager who was NOT on board but reaped the benefits .
Back to the story.After losing to the Yankees in the playoffs,and losing his top players to free agency,Billy buys into new computer stats developed by Peter to find the right players to rebuild the team with on a shoestring budget.
Its a hellava story and at the end after setting a all time consecutive win streak and STILL losing in the playoffs,Billy turns down a all-time recored offer from the Red Sox and stays with Oakland.The Red Sox win the series 2 years later using Billy's ideas and Billy's still in Oakland,still trying.Trailer URL follows the pix.The film was released in 2011 and runs a engrossing 133 minutes.A perfect 5 stars because its far more than a sports movie.

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