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Monday, April 2, 2012

Gangs of New York - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Ever see a movie and than wonder what you just saw ? A fine sprawling depiction of Manhattan NY in 1963 ending with the little remember Civil War draft riots broken by the Union army.Historically a beautiful film.Than whats wrong?Maybe its the cast.Leonardo DiCaprio,too pretty boy.Cameron Diaz just doesn't fit here,and Liam Neeson was killed off in the beginning.Daniel Day-Lewis does work but he's the only stand out.For such a sprawling drama we need a more riveting cast to match.Martin Scorsese did a fine job of creating the right time and feel so if for no other reason,see it for the historical context.
released in 2002 its too long at 167 minutes and for the wrong cast I take off 1 and 1/2 stars.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

1863. America was born in the streets. In this movie, we see Amsterdam Vallon returning to the Five Points of America to seek vengeance against the psychotic gangland kingpin Bill the Butcher who murdered his father years ago. With an eager pickpocket by his side and a whole new army, Vallon fights his way to seek vengeance on the Butcher and restore peace in the area. However this is more said than done. Written by Omar

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