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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Waiting for Dublin - 3 stars out of 5 stars

There is one major flaw in this picture and many will never forgive it.It's like in the great film "A man called Joe"later remade and updated as"Always".In the original a pilot is shot down attacking a "German "aircraft carrier.For those non students of the war,there were no German aircraft carriers.Well in this film Al Capone was in jail in 1931 NEVER to be released for a New Years eve party during WW11 to make the bet this films stakes its premise on.So IF you can get over that major flaw,is a kinda fun film,as much as WW11 can be fun.Now you see why I take 2 stars of this 2007 release that runs but 84 minutes.
But back to the story that is interesting and off beat.A bet is made that this young pilot will or will not become a "ace"during the war,which means shoot down 5 planes.He crash lands in Ireland being a plane short of his goal, and then finds out a german plane and pilot are also there.Ireland being a neutral country will intern them in Dublin for the duration.However our pilot meets a lass and a blind WW1 vet and together with his english co-pilot hatch a plot to shoot the German plane down and get his "ace"standing.Add to the mix in a german  agent out to kill the german pilot,well it does get silly for a war time film.The cast try but is "b"at best.So if your looking for the off beat,you can do a lot worse.

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