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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Boondock Saints - 3 stars out of 5 stars

A very violent and bloody "cult" crime film,not for everyone.Released in 1999 and running 109 minutes I took 2 stars off for the story and violence and relative "b" cast.Still,if you like crime and retribution with the now in vogue boston/irish themes you might enjoy this.I liked it,but it spawned squeals and this first one is rough enough for me.I found the tv man on the street interviews about the pros and cons of vigilante justice during the closing credits very provocative.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summery below.The casting of Ron Jeremy in a bit part adds to the "cult film"status.

Two Irish brothers accidentally killed mafia thugs. They turned themselves in and were released as heroes. They then see it as a calling by God and started knocking off mafia gang members one by one. Willem Dafoe plays the detective trying to figure out the killings, but the closer he was to catching the Irish brothers, the more he thinks the brothers are doing the right thing. Written by KevinYang(

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