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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dances With Wolves - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1990 and running 181 minutes,this is a almost perfect film.Sure its a mite long and it doesn't paint a nice picture of the white man vs the indian,but we now know it always wasn't a nice picture.I have yet to review Avatar because as a sci-fi fan my first impression was a outer space FX dances with wolves,and I HATE obvious copy cats.But to this film. Kevin Costner stars and directed and produced this film and to take on 3 jobs on a project is a big gamble.He pulled it off.This is a beautiful film from the acting and settings and even the sad story.More than a western,its a morality play and a picture of self discovery.I strongly recommend as a film for everyone who loves film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Lt. John Dunbar is dubbed a hero after he accidentally leads Union troops to a victory during the Civil War. He requests a position on the western frontier, but finds it deserted. He soon finds out he is not alone, but meets a wolf he dubs "Two-socks" and a curious Indian tribe. Dunbar quickly makes friends with the tribe, and discovers a white woman who was raised by the Indians. He gradually earns the respect of these native people, and sheds his white-man's ways. Written by Greg Bole <>

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