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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Life Stinks - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Mel Brooks is NOT for everyone,but if you like"the producers"and "Blazing saddles"you should love this irreverent look at wealth and poverty in a funny morality and slap of reality point of view that only Brooks could pull off. Perhaps its viewing it now, in the age of class warfare that we seem to be living in,that makes its far more relevant and biting than 1991 when it was released and runs 92 minutes. I only took 1/2 star off because some of it is really over the top.That said,a great 3 stooges tribute of slapping,a funny yet moving pole dance by a bag lady,Brooks being over medication at a crowded hospital are but a few of the right on zingers but the big mechanical shovel, like a big dinosaur fight, is classic Brooks and my favorite scene in the film. The cast is classic comedy stalwarts anchored by Brooks himself and a surprisingly good turn by Lesley Ann Warren as a bag lady/love interest.A must see for its class warfare theme and Mel lovers.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summery below.Oh,and some nice pointed zingers at lawyers in general,ha,ha.

A filthy rich businessman bets a corporate rival that he can live on the streets of L.A. without the comforts of home or money, which proves to be tougher than he thought.

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