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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Outbreak - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Soon after reviewing "Contagion"I had to re-watch Outbreak to remember why I said it was a better film.Having not seen it since its release in 1995 running 127 minutes,I now remember why I thought it was so good.It scares the hell out of me.I shall try not to view it again.However EVERYONE should see it for the grave issues of liberty vs the "greater good"that it raise in the horror of a bio outbreak that even though real,raises the issues of Government secrecy to protect bio weapons and the hard choices to protect the population at large.It would be totally unwatchable if not for a small cover story of a failed romance and acting of A+ + + + level as well as a very cute but deadly monkey.I don't wish to name anyone because then I would have to name ALL.Its hard to even describe what you will see.So the trailer URL is following the picture as usual and a IMDB summary below.You were warned.

n July of 1967, In Motaba River Valley, Zaire, a virus with a 100% mortality rate starts infecting people. The virus becomes known as the Motaba virus, and it's so deadly that it causes severe bleeding and liquefies internal organs, killing within 3 days. The virus wipes out Motaba River Valley, and a devastatingly huge fire bomb is dropped onto Motaba River Valley in order to reduce the chances of further infection. The bomb was dropped on the orders of corrupt General Donald McClintock, even though an army surgeon, General Bill Ford, was against the idea. 27 years later, in 1994, there is another outbreak in Motaba River Valley. At the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), located at Fort Detrick in Maryland, Colonel Sam Daniels is doing research on the Motaba virus, and so is his ex-wife Roberta Keough, who works at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta... Written by Todd Baldridge

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