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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Telefon - 4 1/2 Stars out of 5 stars

Miles to go before I sleep.Haunting.So is this film this catch phrase is from.Although it was from a poem by Robert Frost,in this film its s 'trigger"to await deep cover soviet agents to deliver suicide attacks in the US.Released in 1977 and running 102 minutes, the only reason I took 1/2 star off is because its a lit dated.However Charles Bronson and Lee Remick  head up this cast in fine fashion as they try to stop a world war before it starts.Its a little reminder of 3 days of the condor in so far as its a "rouge"operation but from the other side and far more dangerous.If you like deception and twists and turns you'll love it.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below

A Russian officer is sent to USA to try and stop sleeper agents who will mindlessly attack government entities when they hear certain coded words.

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