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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Last Starfighter - 4 stars out of 5 stars

It's a little corny and a little dated and so I had to take 1 star off,but you can do FAR worse for sci-fi and small town fantasy life than this old chestnut.Released back in 1984 and running 101 minutes its FX still stands even by todays standards and the story is still family friendly and I enjoyed it now as much as then. Trekies will get a kick out of finding both Marc Alaimo and Wil Wheaton in tiny roles.Also co staring is a personnel actress I always had a crush on,Catherine Mary Stewart.The rest of the cast is fine for their rolls.The story is simple enough and kind to trailer park folks and small town life but the video game to sci-fi tie in is the real story.Well worth a view for those who want some good clean action and morals in their movie viewing.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.Enjoy!!!

Alex Rogan lives in a trailer court where his mother is manager and everyone is like a big extended family. He beats the Starfighter video game to the applause of everyone in the court and later that day finds he has been turned down for a student loan for college. Depressed, he meets Centauri, who introduces himself as a person from the company that made the game, before Alex really knows what is going on he is on the ride of his life in a "car" flying through space. Chosen to take the skills he showed on the video game into real combat to protect the galaxy from an invasion. Alex gets as far as the Starfighter base before he really realized that he was conscripted and requests to be taken back home. When he gets back home, he finds a Zando-Zan (alien bounty hunter) is stalking him. Unable to go home and live, Alex returns to the Starfighter base to find all the pilots have been killed and he is the galaxy's only chance to be saved from invasion... Written by John Vogel <> & Spokavriel updated

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