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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Masked and Anonymous - 5 stars out of 5 stars

This movie is for Dylan fans only.Even with this restriction I give it a full 5 stars.Released in 2003 and running 112 minutes its like  a Dylan song.At the end your left wondering,what the hell just happened??However like a Dylan song,you know somethings happening BUT you don't know what it is,do you,mister Jones.
Its a surreal story of a down and out singer sprung from jail to sing at a benefit concert for some south american country undergoing a revolution.However soon enough we see different parts and pieces throw together in the loosest of ways to tell a story only someone on LSD could understand.If you remember your own youth and listening to Dylans songs then,well,you might get the picture,maybe,like you maybe got his songs.Since Dylan is old and haggard these day,he rings sadly true as a washed up singer.Other cast members of note are John Goodman as a washed up producer and Jeff Bridges as the dude like writer but more establishment,really.And Luke Wilson as a sort of living conscience,maybe.
There are  a ton of other famous and well known actors in crazy roles thats fun to see and catch.My favorite of those is Val Kilmer as a whacked out Animal Wrangler.
Its deeper than Rocky Horror and as unexplainable as El Topo.In short,it a magical mystery tour.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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