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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Red Cliff - Parts 1&2 - 2008&2009 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Before we begin,I must say I was so impressed with these 2 films that I broke from the norm again which I rarely do,to review 2 films at the same time and a film with subtitles.As a epic its now my favorite film of all time in that category and as far as the subtitles go,thats why I can recommend it and watch it.Action is action.Now for two films,its really just a 150 minute part 1 released in 2008 and a direct carry on part 2 of 142 minutes released in 2009.It could have been just one long sage and I understand that such a edited version WAS released in the US.I however saw both films subtitled and had little problem with the length or following it.In fact,it should have been even longer judging from the ending.
A trusted friend firm Asia advised I see these films as they know my tastes and boy were they right !!!!! Now this friend has been teaching me a little about Chinese History and rightly pointed out how this sage dramatized a period referred  to as the Three Kingdoms period (220-280 A.D.)Not to get too historic on you,suffice as too say,this spectacle is Roman Legion,Helen of Troy,and any other old classic "European"historic film you ever saw wrapped up into one.The film was made director John Woo.Mr Woo has made some films  in the US but none on this scale.Sure there is FX but a large cast for battle scenes as well.Ah,battle scenes,as good as any I have ever seen on film.Of course the accent in on martial arts but fire,arrows,catapults  and even a cross bow that fires like a machine gun shooting arrows.Oh a navy battle scene that shames the season final on"Game of Thrones"Have no fear its more than just those battles scenes.There's a love story,2 in fact,a tale of honor and respect and deceit as well as historic dramatization.You see there was a real battle and people still visit the battleground today although there is debate as to which site  this battle was really fought on the Yangtze river.
Back to the film.A stirring musical score fine acting, 3 factions coming together in combat to shape the future of the nation.Throw in combat tactics not even known yet in the West based on one of the 7 books of military classics of China,"The Art of War" required reading at West Point by the way.Now I realize no "Historic"film is really historic because history is always re-spun,but this is as fine as it gets on the big screen.Get the pop corn and be entertained !!!!Oh,yes,the 2 love stories are well told as any in these kinda films and make one wonder why women were so mistreated all those years in that country.Ether woman could be my heroine forever.Trailer URL follows the pix.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review Mic. The villain in this movie, the evil premiere, his tomb was discovered in China last year, undisturbed. It would be interesting to see what they can find.
