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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1984 ( 1956 ) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

This first theatrical version of Orwell's nightmare future follows the 1954 BBC telecast faithfully up to the casting of Donald Pleasance in a role that combines 2,including his,from that telecast.However it is still terribly dated and only the addition of a film feel over the stage/TV blandness earns it a 1/2 star more,but it still loses 2.The film runs 90 minutes and also is in B&W.Because the story is almost exactly the same,I found it interesting that in the BBC show,money was "dollars"but in the american film it was "shillings".Odd since London is the setting for both.That aside the casting of Edmond O'Brien and Jan Sterling and Michael Redgrave are a wash to the first films cast.Still recommended mainly for film history buffs and real fans of "deep thought",no light entertainment here.Full film link follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

George Orwell's novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.

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