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Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Few Good Men - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes a movie tells a story of fiction that grows into a sad painful truth of sorts years later.This 1992 release that runs 138 minutes is such a film.Our once proud military is awash in sexual harassment charges,suicides in unmentionable rates that cannot be believed,and mistreatment of prisoners on many levels.YET we need these men,you want these men,there are those trying to kill us and they are the tip of the shield.You and I can waste our time on silly pursuits like ME writing this blog and YOU reading it because of these men.NEVER forget that.
This film is a story about the death of a substandard marine and those responsible for his death,yet in the words of his Col."Tragic though his death was,it saved lives"
Back when this movie was made it might have been seen as a Vietnam era hangover of military abuse.No,today we can see it as a warning that our freedoms must be guarded against any and all enemies both foreign and domestic.
In this film the"bad guys"are really the good guys who are corrupted or as the old saying goes,"absolute power corrupts absolutely"We must hold our leaders,even the military,to the highest standards even as we entrust our very lives to them.
The crime in this film takes place in  Gitmo. Yes before it was a detainee camp,it was a forward operating base where the US faced a hostel military. The only other such place at that time was the DMZ in Korea. What is truly on display in the ability of our forces to follow orders and how those who give them can be carried away on there own power trips.
When  Jack Nicholson as Col. Nathan R. Jessup is telling  Tom Cruise as Lt. Daniel Kaffee,about how he must follow the orders of a  woman of higher rank,  Demi Moore as Lt. Cdr. JoAnne Galloway ,yet he doesn't because HE outranks her,he goes off on a tangent about getting a BJ from a superior officer in the morning.Sexual harassment in front of HER.A+++ acting throughout the film.
I have never been a big courtroom drama fan,but this film is more about the good and the bad of the military and those who serve.HOORAH !!! Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

In this dramatic courtroom thriller, LT Daniel Kaffee, a Navy lawyer who has never seen the inside of the courtroom, defends two stubborn Marines who have been accused of murdering a colleague. Kaffee is known as being lazy and had arranged for a plea bargain. Downey's Aunt Ginny appoints Cmdr. Galloway to represent him. Also on the legal staff is LTJG Sam Weinberg. The team rounds up many facts and Kaffee is discovering that he is really cut out for trial work. The defense is originally based upon the fact that PFC Santiago, the victim, was given a "CODE RED". Santiago was basically a screw-up. At Gitmo, screw-ups aren't tolerated. Especially by Col. Nathan Jessup. In Cuba, Jessup and two senior officers try to give all the help they can, but Kaffee knows something's fishy. In the conclusion of the film, the fireworks are set off by a confrontation between Jessup and Kaffee. Written by Matt Curtolo <>

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