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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rabbit-Proof Fence 2002 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Hitler and Apartheid are not the only horrors of white supremacists.This film is based on a book by the daughter of one of the films characters.So points of view can be emphasized. What cannot be exaggerated is that this policy of preventing a "third"race and protecting them from themselves,cannot.It was Government policy(Australia) till 1970 !!!!!
I had heard of this policy but never have i understood it till I saw this film.I am shocked and appalled this happened in the land of "Crocodile Dundee"a film I have yet to review.Is it as bad as "slavery"?You can be the judge.What it surely was is misguided elitism and religious dogma that didn't end with the Crusades.Islam zealots kill the body and a zealot Christian separates people which kills their heart. To the film.Well really  what it represents, not the way it was represented in this film, that really matters and why I gave it a perfect must see rating.Released in 2002 and running 94 minutes it can be tedious at times and the idea that these 3 girls could survive in the "outback"in 1931,for 1500+ miles is kinda farfetched.Major flaws in a film.Then why see it? Because its so stirring  despite the flaws,and the three young native actress are beyond belief and  well it was so sad and yet uplifting the power of the heart.What the film is really, to me,a warning that at anytime fanatics in the name of ANYTHING can be as damaging over time as Hitler was.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Western Australia, 1931. Government policy includes taking half-caste children from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away to what amounts to indentured servitude, "to save them from themselves." Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) arrive at their Gulag and promptly escape, under Molly's lead. For days they walk north, following a fence that keeps rabbits from settlements, eluding a native tracker and the regional constabulary. Their pursuers take orders from the government's "chief protector of Aborigines," A.O. Neville, blinded by Anglo-Christian certainty, evolutionary world view and conventional wisdom. Can the girls survive? Written by <>

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