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Friday, May 10, 2013

Mortel Transfert - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

I  found this film by accident and watched it.Its pretty good in a adult "French "film sort of way and not really a fetish film in the sense we usually use.My take is a very adult continental view of wacky humans trying to get through the day and those who "help"those who need it,really need as much help from THEM as well.
The psycologist  didn't kill her,her husband did ( or did he ??) but he is as messed up as she was and the film takes on a sort of "Rashomon"quality,which was reviewed on this bog, with the murder being the center and far more graphic than the scenes in Rashomon were.
Mind you thats a simplistic view by me to try to explain it as I have never seen so intriguing a film before and again it illustrates just how "provincial"we can be in the states.Released in 2001 it runs 122 minutes.I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for the extreme adult content which limits the audience and the subtitles,it is a French film after all,and it does drag a bit explaining things.Trailer,in French,URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Michel, a psycho-analyst, falls asleep while listening to his patient Olga, a kleptomaniac and a sexual pervert, tell him how she likes her husband beating her. When he wakes up, he finds Olga having been choked to death. He now has to deal with a body, with Olga's rich husband who thinks she stole money from him, and with all his patients' insanity that haunts him. Written by Loic <>

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