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Monday, May 27, 2013

Nineteen Eighty Four - AKA 1984 - ( 1954 ) BBC TV Movie - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There are 3 versions of George Orwell's mindcontroling horrific vision of the future that I am aware of.I shall try to review all here.The first is a rather poor play like version done by the BBC back in 1954 for a TV anthology series.VERY dated and relying solely on dramatic dialogue,it is a 50/50 proposition at best.Most today will find it unwatchable.However if you can stand that ancient form of viewing,the scary story of "Big Brother"and the"Though Police"show through as well as the end of individual thought and the new collective of subservient purpose.It stars Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasance and Andre Morell and Yvonne Mitchell.I recommend for those who want to see the early adaptation of this classic novel,and it seems quite fair to the ideal of that book,as well as those with historic interest of cinema in general. It runs 147 minutes and is in B&W and I posted a link to the entire film as I could find no trailer,below the picture.A short IMDB summary is below.We also sometimes forget that in this vision"they"try to create a new language or"new speak"to help dull our senses.No greater reason to read and stay aware especially in these troubled times.It may be 30 years after 1984,but the message still scares !!!!

A man who works for 'The Party' (an all powerful empire led by a man known only as 'Big Brother') begins to have thoughts of rebellion and love for a fellow member. Together they look to help bring down the party.

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