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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fierce Creatures (1997) - 3 stars out of 5 stars

As I stated in the past comedy is a tough review and this mix of US and UK humor proves the point and is also the reason to see the brave attempt.I took the 2 stars off because most of the humor is dialogue and the mix is stirred not shaken or is it?? Released in 1997 and only running 92 minutes its worth the view for the casting alone.Two monty python alumus and a older but still hot Jamie Lee Curtis  and even a better then usual Kevin Kline do the story about a US company and a UK zoo a good turn mate.Trailer URL follows the picture and a rather long IMDB summary below.Better than 95% of the drug high sex crap made today.Oh there is sex but not overt nudity.The brits are more subtile than that.

 A massive corporate conglomerate, Octopus Inc., run by a shrewd and cruel tycoon named Rod McCain, purchases a UK-based leisure company, and also the failing London Marwood Zoo. To bring more business to the zoo, Octopus hires a new manager, Rollo Lee, who promptly comes up with a way to increase profits-do away with all the animals except for the ferocious ones. This new Fierce Creatures Policy shocks the Marwood zookeepers, led by the unendingly talkative Adrian "Bugsy" Malone. Eventually, Rod McCain's son Vince, along with the up-and-coming business executive Willa Weston, take control of the zoo and revoke the Fierce Creatures Policy. Vince instead comes up with many under-handed and vicious schemes to attract customers-unauthorized celebrity endorsements, shoddy, overpriced zoo merchandise, and using robotic animals instead of real ones. However, Vince is also stealing from the zoo's funds, and when his father finds out, he rears to turn the zoo into a Japanese-owned golf course.... Written by Josh Martin <>

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