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Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Jazz Singer 1980 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Strange that I would recommend a "remake"albeit,updated significantly but I guess its because I never saw the legendary 1927 original film that's famous as the screens first"talky"and infamous for its star Al Jolson singing in"blackface".
This version has the lead,Neil Diamond,in blackface early in one scene and given the context,I'm sure you'll agree its not condescending or insulting at all.In fact,its vital to the story on a level showing how he writes music for a all black group he grew up knowing as kids,who in turn,get him his first break as a singer to perform what he has written.So much for historical political correctness.The movie has a wrap around song called" Coming to America"that is still for me,to this very day,a immigration anthem for all to this country of immigrants.Mr Diamond musical strength has always been performing and in this movie that talent carries through when ever he sings,even Hebrew songs of faith.What is not fair is to rate his acting against his co-star the legendary Laurence Olivier.In fact,I actually thought the understated performance of  Catlin Adams as Rivka Rabinovitch ,Diamonds characters wife,is almost Shakespearian tragic.The rest of the cast is good enough for a film that is really a story between father and son that all of us men have suffered through in one way or another.
Now to the story,update or not.Besides the conflict between father and son,it does show the urban link of the times,blacks and jews friends because the wasps of the time would have nether.Perhaps poorly shown,but at least attempted,the music group gets a break in a all black uptown nightclub.Finally they succeed but ONLY as Diamonds backups,not on their
 own.Diamond shortens his name as a songwriter from Rabinovitch to Robin.Too often these things happened and for someone who grew up back in the 60's it rings sadly true.My only complaint with the story is how it glosses over the eventual split between Diamond and his wife,or should I say,what happened to her afterwards.Diamond fares well enough because there is another waiting to take fair Rivka's place and thats sad.Lucie Arnaz fills that roll but is no Rivka.I also thought that Diamonds finding himself country phase was a little weak.
Still its a strong story and a worthy film experience.
So I take 1 star of for Diamonds acting not being the equal of his singing performances and the shaky attempt to describe the black and Jew coalition of the day.The 1980 release runs a bit long at 115 minutes.Trailer URL follows the picture.IMDB summary below.

The son of a Jewish Cantor must defy his father in order to pursue his dream of being a pop singer.

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