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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Tuskegee Airmen - 5 stars out of 5 stars

There is a reason HBO films had a rep for make movies that were ,well,not what Hollywood was making,yet what the public needed.This is such a film.I reviewed Red Tails on this blog,and enjoyed it,BUT as I stated it was a little"safe"for the box-office.This is NOT.Far sadder and shameful in the depictions of the disgraceful treatment these WW11 black airman faced.Think of a hundred Jackie Robinson's,who as a Army officer went thru much of the same BEFORE he played Baseball.But this movie is NOT about him.
The mostly all black cast is well cast and recognizable and it would seem unfair to name but a few,so I won't .For this film had a true repertory  feeling.
My favorite scene was when Mrs Roosevelt has a spare of the moment flight at the hands of Lt.Lee and that signals that this group of pilots have finally been accepted to a certain degree,at least to now go oversees at least.In the end most of the airman would probably admit that the destination was worth the rocky ride to get there.They are better men than me,for I would have blown that road up !!!! Thats why their story must always be told and remembered and indeed,celebrated as we do Jackie's.Released in 1995 and running 106 minutes,the trailer URL follows the picture and a short IMDB summary below.

The true story of how a group of African American pilots overcame racist opposition to become one of the finest US fighter groups in World War II

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