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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Esther and the King 1960 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Finally a version of Esther and the King a little more entertaining than "One Night with the King"or "Esther and the King 2006"that were both reviewed on this blog.Released in 1960,and running 109 minutes, back when they regularly made adaptations of Bible stories with great liberties,we get this Raul Walsh produced and directed version of the story that is the root of the Hebrew Holiday of "Purim".Again a major issue of not mentioning her real name of "Hadassah"but thats par for these old adaptations.You have to decide would you rather these or none at all?? Since I've reviewed "Ben-Hur"and"The Ten Commandments" and "Ivanhoe" amongst others,I think you know my stand on that.This movie also a flaw that I can't really buy, Richard Egan as King Ahasuerus  but  Joan Collins as Esther more than offsets that and  Sergio Fantoni as Haman is slimy enough.There's a little luridness quality in some parts due to a early assistant director by the name of Mario Bava. However,all things included,I enjoyed it more than the other two films that tell the story.So for all the above reasons I had to take 1 and 1/2 stars off.No trailer this time because I couldn't find one,BUT you can watch the whole movie and the URL following the picture. I hope you already know your biblical story of Hadassah who marries King Ahasuerus of Persia and save her people from slaughter.

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