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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Soylent Green - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Forget what you think your being told about "green house gasses"and "Global warming"Back in 1973 this 93 minutes film put out a horrific scenario that is worse than what is talked about even today.It's the 99% vs the 1%  but 99 has lost and don't even know the price of that loss.Its amazing how few folks today even have heard the term and know what it means.The only fault with this film is the dateness of the filming itself,not the really scare inconvenient truth.And that truth I dare not speak.The cast is legendary headed by Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson.The story………….
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.Oh and ladies,be afraid,very afraid of being no more than a piece of"furniture",literally.

In an overpopulated futuristic Earth, a New York police detective finds himself marked for murder by government agents when he gets too close to a bizarre state secret involving the origins of a revolutionary and needed new foodstuff.

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