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Saturday, July 27, 2013

42 - 2013 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Everyone knows about Jackie Robinson,but this visual portrayal of mainly his first year as a dodger is still rather striking for younger viewers who have no frame of reference to that long ago time, and for me,that is the true value of this 2013 release that runs 128 minutes.Thus 1 star off since I didn't learn anything that I hadn't already known.However that is also the films value to educate those who only have read about its time and thus aren't still aware of the dangers of history always repeating itself to those less  uninformed.the cast is fine and the story seems fairly close to the truth.So i do recommend mainly for those too young to remember those times.Small note,the "Dodgers"have now been in LA longer than they ever were in Brooklyn and Jackie NEVER was a LA Dodger.My how time HAS marched on.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Much more than a "Sports"film.

 In 1946, Jackie Robinson is a Negro League baseball player who never takes racism lying down. Branch Rickey is a Major League team executive with a bold idea. To that end, Rickey recruits Robinson to break the unspoken color line as the first modern African American Major League player. As both anticipate, this proves a major challenge for Robinson and his family as they endure unrelenting racist hostility on and off the field, from player and fan alike. As Jackie struggles against his nature to endure such abuse without complaint, he finds allies and hope where he least expects it. Written by Kenneth Chisholm (

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