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Monday, July 22, 2013

TV Series - Person of Interest - CBS Current 3 seasons so far. - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes a TV show can be SO ahead of the curve its scary good.This is such a show.Running for 3 years now and awaiting a forth,the plot of this show is simple,yet very complicated at the same time.Like the highly politicalized world we live in.The NSA,Postal Service,Police license plate scanners and public street cameras,and who knows what else is yet to be discovered,are used to spy or fix a broader picture of probability on bad things before they happen by observing"patterns"so surveillance can stop terror before it happens.Thats fact NOT fiction and the world we now live in.This IS the world producer J.J. Abrams,yes THAT guy,takes and goes super computer wild on us.Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel are a sort of everyday Batman and Robin on steroids,as the series stars with fine supporting cast and guest stars all over the place each episode.It rings oh so true but can be a little over the top thus 1 star off but if you are a now person and political as well as loves a exciting mystery,its YOUR show.Episode trailer URL below ands a IMDB summary below.

A billionaire software-genius named Harold Finch creates a Machine for the government that is designed to detect acts of terror before they can happen, by monitoring the entire world by monitoring every cell-phone, email and surveillance camera. Finch discovered that the machine sees everything, potential terrorist acts and violent crimes that involve ordinary people. When the government considered violent crimes between normal people "irrelevant", Finch built a back door into the system that gives him the social security number of a person involved in a future violent crime so he could act. Partnered with John Reese, an ex-CIA agent, the two work in secret to prevent violent crimes before they can happen. Eventually their activities lead to being hunted by the New York Police Department, CIA Agents in pursuit of Reese who was listed as dead, a computer hacker named Root who wants access to the Machine, and government officials who want to keep all knowledge of the Machine a complete ... Written by Jones

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