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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Forbidden Planet 1956 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Star Trek in all it's many forms is the "gold standard"of sci-fi but even some of it is remanent of this classic.Released in 1956 and running but 98 minutes.One of the things that set this film apart was the special effects that where done by master animator Joshua Meador,on loan from,who else,Disney.However make no mistake,this is no Disney film,not with very alluring Anne Francis and legendary actor Walter Pidgeon as father and daughter stranded on a planet far from earth.However maybe Disney did see something in  a young Leslie Nielsen,average young TV actor playing the Captain of a space ship,he later used in his wonderful world of Disney series,'The Swamp Fox",also reviewed on this blog.
Nielsen was a good enough serious actor before "Airplane"also reviewed on this blog,so much so in this role I think maybe I see of Captain Kirk taken from him by Shatner.The one think the public grabbed from this film immedality was Robbie the Robot which became a iconic figure.But there is a whole lot to like about this film including intelligent science,rare for that time.This is a bucket list film for all sci-fi fans and true cinema buffs because of the high standards it set for future films in this genre.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.Don't miss it !!!

When Adams and his crew are sent to investigate the silence from a planet inhabited by scientists, he finds all but two have died. Dr. Morbius and his daughter Altaira have somehow survived a hideous monster which roams the planet. Unknown to Adams, Morbius has made a discovery, and has no intention of sharing it (or his daughter!) with anyone. Written by Rob Hartill

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