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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Behind the Candelabra 2013 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

For those of a certain age the flamboyance of Liberace was the first inkling that there were gays out there.Even though he had won lawsuits claiming liable when confronted with the issue he never admitted to and the medical arguments over his cause of death of heart illness vs aids,I believe we all believed he WAS gay.This 2013 HBO film, that runs 118 minutes,leaves no doubt he was.Michael Douglas is sufficiently  flamboyant enough to remind one of Liberace and  Matt Damon as Scott Thorson,a long time lover are the true stars as they seem gay enough after playing a ton of heterosexual  roles in the past.However the film offers no real insight into one of the greatest showmen of his time other than "outed"gayness.Instead the film seems to be more about Thorson which I guess is to be expected since its based on HIS kiss and tell all book.So I took 2 stars offer and only recommend for those who want a inkling of what Liberace was like in performance since the film does show that, but not much else.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Scott Thorson, a young gay man raised in foster homes, is introduced to flamboyant entertainment giant Liberace and quickly finds himself in a romantic relationship with the legendary pianist. Swaddled in wealth and excess, Scott and Liberace have a long affair, one that eventually Scott begins to find suffocating. Kept away from the outside world by the flashily effeminate yet deeply closeted Liberace, and submitting to extreme makeovers and even plastic surgery at the behest of his lover, Scott eventually rebels. When Liberace finds himself a new lover, Scott is tossed on the street. He then seeks legal redress for what he feels he has lost. But throughout, the bond between the young man and the star never completely tears. Written by Jim Beaver <>

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