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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Innerspace 1987 - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Mildly entertaining spin on "fantastic voyage",a film I have to review on this blog.Released in 1987 and running 120 minutes,I took 2 stars off for not being sure if this film wants to be a comedy or sci-fi thriller thereby being nether while highly dated in 1980's fashion.What does make it watchable is a fine cast and the interesting twist of concentrating on whats outside the body rather than inside, as the classic sci-fi serious film "fantastic voyage"did.Some "second city"and classic 50's sci-fi actors appear to support the main 3 characters of     Dennis Quaid as Lt. Tuck Pendleton ,who is induced into the body of  Martin Short as Jack Putter and always easy to watch  Meg Ryan as Lydia Maxwell ,Tucks girl.So if you don't mind comedy overshadowing your science than this film may amuse you as its harmless romantic fun.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

Tuck Pendleton is a cocky pilot, who is taking part in a miniaturization experiment. When some bad guys break into the lab to steal the technology, one of the scientists takes a syringe which contains the miniaturized Tuck and vessel. Now in the vessel is part of the material needed to restore him. But the other part which is the lab is stolen. The scientist's shot but before dying he injects Tuck into Jack Putter, a hypochondriac, who feels that something is wrong with him all the time. When Tuck links himself to Jack's systems, he discovers that something happened. So they go back to the lab, and discover what happened. Now they are told that unless they retrieve the material that was stolen they won't be able to restore Tuck before his oxygen is depleted. Now the government rep decides that the only thing that matters that as long as they have the other half of the material, it is useless to the thieves. So Tuck eggs Jack to go out and find the thieves. They enlist the aid of ... Written by <>

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