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Sunday, July 7, 2013

National Treasure 2004 - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Some films age and just take on a whole new meaning with the passing of time.In a scant 10 years since this film was released in 2004 and running 131 minutes,we have such a film.First off,its about historical and patriotic deeds that we seem to ignore in this age of political gridlock where no one can even agree on what a patriot is or isn't.Next,who doesn't love hunting for treasure?Finally what a cast including smaller support roles!!!
Someone once said in a film I reviewed ( the cowboys),and I paraphrase,"if it isn't true,it should be!!"Same can be said for this thrilling and well thought out ,purely fictional,but with enough truism,to hold anyones interest.Now being from Brooklyn and working right across the street from the Trinity Church,at the NYSE,I found the final discovery really wild in a good way.To the acting.Maybe Nicolas Cage's best performance to date as well as Diane Kruger and the list goes on with a special shout out to Sean Bean and the best cameo ever by Christopher Plummer.Great film and leaves you feeling good to be a american.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.Bucket list film.

Benjamin Franklin Gates descends from a family of treasure-seekers who've all hunted for the same thing: a war chest hidden by the Founding Fathers after the Revolutionary War. Ben's close to discovering its whereabouts, as is his competition, but the FBI is also hip to the hunt. Written by IMDb Editors

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