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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

TV Series - Elfego Baca - Disney 1958 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Televised in 1958 as one of a couple great TV miniseries during Disney's classic TV show,this one stared Robert Loggia as the legendary Sheriff and Lawyer, Elfego Baca, back in 1880's New Mexico.As with the other great series from Disney I have reviewed on this blog,its based on a real life figure of the time and is truly inspirational in the values set forth from that time and the time of its broadcast,unlike the more confusing times we now live in.Very sad indeed and another reason to watch it.Like the other shows,this has a great list of guest stars including in one episode a original Star Trek member,er clue only,also played in another western.You'll just have to watch it.Also a beach blanket Disney mousekater..Only took 1 star off because its corny at times and lacks some true violence,but thats also a good thing.Instead os a trailer,the full first episode URL follows the picture.

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