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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Patriot 2000 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

When I reviewed Disney's Swamp fox TV series on this blog I mentioned I would revisit this film.While Disney claimed his series was based on one man,Francis Marion,this movie,released in 2000 and running a bit long at 165 minutes,doesn't claim its based on that one but a couple.Be that as it may be,thats why we hope these sorts of movies which are entertainment after all,inspire you to learn the history around the stories. In this case I felt the movie went to far in its depiction of the British.Thus 1 and 1/2 stars off.Slavey was also a after thought and in south carolina,thats hard to believe as well.However if you know nothing of that time,putting the revolution in modern,"darker terms"is better than nothing and should inspire you to learn more.As far as the acting goes,Mel Gibson was
 great,Heath Ledger was a real heart throb and I always love a "good"bad guy like Jason Isaacs and the supporting cast all were great.So in conclusion,Disney was tame,this over the top,and as life usually shows us,the truth might just be somewhere in the middle.Trail url follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.Watch BUT verify as it is somewhat hypnotic in the "historical"web it weaves.

It is 1776 in colonial South Carolina. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." When South Carolina decides to join the rebellion against England, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But when Colonel William Tavington, British dragoon, infamous for his brutal tactics, comes and burns the Martin Plantation to the ground, tragedy strikes. Benjamin quickly finds himself torn between protecting his family, and seeking revenge along with being a part of the birth of a new, young, and ambitious nation. Written by Caleb Conser

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