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Friday, July 12, 2013

The Game 1997 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Before you try to punch holes in this film,remember the TV series,"Fantasy Island"and the sci-fi thriller,"Westworld"that I reviewed on this blog ??This is just another version of the rich paying for a fantasy thrill,but with a new and updated twist.Its in real time,in the real world,rather than a adult play world,thereby making in far more dangerous to the "players".If you liked Michael Douglas in,"Wall street"also reviewed on this blog,think of him as Gekco but this time its more personal and on him.Add a fine cast ,although it truly is Michael's film,and hold on after a slow start,thus the one star off.You think you might have figured out the game,but then………..well believe me,you didn't.Released in 1997 and running 129 minutes,its a game i'd never play,but would you???? Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Nicholas Van Orton is a very wealthy San Francisco banker, but he is an absolute loner, even spending his birthday alone. In the year of his 48th birthday (the age his father committed suicide) his brother Conrad, who has gone long ago and surrendered to addictions of all kinds, suddenly returns and gives Nicholas a card giving him entry to unusual entertainment provided by something called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). Giving up to curiosity, Nicholas visits CRS and all kinds of weird and bad things start to happen to him. Written by Anonymous

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