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Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Girl 2012 - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

There are a few films named"The Girl"this one is a HBO-BBC co production about a the relationship between famed director Alfred Hitchcock and actress Tippi Hedren. Now I don't know anything about the directors personnel life,nor Hedrens,however I found much of this unbelievable.The only reason I rate it 50/50 is BECAUSE I don't know,so you be the judge.I also don't like the actors and find them also unbelievable.Still,it does tell a story that many want to hear I guess.Released in 2012 it runs 91 minutes.A trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.For fans of salacious stories about famous people I guess.

When Grace Kelly retires from films to marry Prince Rainier Alfred Hitchcock looks for a similar blonde and finds her in TV model,the little known Tippi Hedren,who will star in his film adaptation of horror story 'The Birds'. Hitchcock is obsessed with Tippi sexually and,when she rebuffs his advances,sadistically puts her through five days of filming where she is attacked and injured by real birds. Hitchcock's wife Alma and his assistant Peggy are appalled but can do nothing. Tippi is resolved that she will not give in to Hitchcock despite the situation giving her nightmares. Hitchcock and Tippi make a second film,'Marnie'. Having admitted that Alma is the only woman he has ever had sex with and that he now finds her cold Hitchcock continues to pursue Tippi, bombarding her with phone calls declaring his love for her yet reminding her that he alone made her famous and she owes him. At this stage Tippi demands that her contract be terminated and an end title states that they never ... Written by don @ minifie-1

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