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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Foolproof 2003 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Canada continues to amaze at times.This relatively unknown gem combines a few genres into a rather ordinary but well acted heist,youth, the trick turn con arts film.All 4 "leads"fit their roles like gloves.Ryan Reynolds,Kristin Booth,David Suchet,Joris Jarsky are the four but even a small bit part for David Hewlett was a nice surprise.Released in 2003 and running 94 minutes,I took 1 star off because at times,I couldn't follow the tricky plot.You might have to watch it twice,but it was a little gem and I highly recommend for a heist film fans.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

 Twenty-something Torontonians and friends Kevin, Sam and Rob play a game they call Foolproof: they plan foolproof heists, but without the intention of actually carrying them out. They have a few rules in the game, including the three having the necessary technical and physical abilities to carry out the tasks required for the heist, the plan cannot include loaded guns, and there is no violence meaning that no one gets hurt. They try to be as meticulous if not more so than the best high stakes thieves. The fun is in knowing they could do it if they truly wanted. Their collective lives change when someone breaks into Sam's apartment and steals their latest plan for a jewelry warehouse heist. After the warehouse is hit, the culprit identifies himself to them as Leo 'The Touch' Gillette, a known but never convicted high stakes thief who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He tells them that the break-in at Sam's apartment was not by accident, and that part of his grand plan is to ... Written by Huggo

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