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Monday, July 8, 2013

High Noon 1952 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1952 this film has a good gun fight ending but the build up to it is what is truly different and a game changer from the run of the mill westerns to date.Oh there is good and bad,honor and sacrifice and even cowardice,but the questions it asks were not asked before and thus we can forgive the rather formulae ending.Also we have a A++ cast including the later to become a real live princess,Grace Kelly,who does a very un-princess like thing in this film.I took 1 star off because its in B&W and I wanted more in the Helen Ramírez storyline played by the enchanting Katy Jurado,as well as more from Lee Van Cleef. However as little as he had in the film,Lon Chaney Jr. was a presence.Still it is a another stoic performance by Gary Cooper that lends the needed weight to this tale real life buried in a western.Bucket list film for true western and Cooper fans.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

On the day he gets married and hangs up his badge, lawman Will Kane is told that a man he sent to prison years before, Frank Miller, is returning on the noon train to exact his revenge. Having initially decided to leave with his new spouse, Will decides he must go back and face Miller. However, when he seeks the help of the townspeople he has protected for so long, they turn their backs on him. It seems Kane may have to face Miller alone, as well as the rest of Miller's gang, who are waiting for him at the station... Written by Man_With_No_Name_126

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