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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Newsies 1992 - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Strangely I didn't really care about this 1992 releases,that runs a long 121 minutes,story or music and that since I am a union man,ex NYorker and love musicals.It just didn't come together for me,so its 50/50 at best to recommend by rating only 2 1/2 stars.A good cast is assembled around a very young and singing Christian Bale and rather sunny singing Bill Pullman are the curious +'s.It's also a period piece set around factual events in 1899 NYC.So I can recommend as a curiosity only on those nights when you are bored stiff,this might help on those nights only.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

July, 1899: When Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst raise the distribution price one-tenth of a cent per paper, ten cents per hundred, the newsboys, poor enough already, are outraged. Inspired by the strike put on by the trolley workers, Jack "Cowboy" Kelly (Christian Bale) organizes a newsboys' strike. With David Jacobs (David Moscow) as the brains of the new union, and Jack as the voice, the weak and oppressed found the strength to band together and challenge the powerful. Written by Kaitlin Dwyer Rankins

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