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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This might be my least favorite Steve Martin film,but boy is Rachel Ward stunningly beautiful !!!!!  Released in 1982 and running only 88 minutes its also in B&W BUT has it has to be because ,as I stated above, of its interesting concept,and that was to splice in REAL clips from 1940's era films by the most famous stars of that day,to THIS film in the classic "gum shoe for hire by a beautiful client" storyline.Thats a great idea but somehow the jokes are crude and not all that funny and the"story"is weak and the Nazi thing,common man!!!Thus the 50/50 and I guess I blame Carl Reiner who wrote and directed and has a part in this film.He's just not that good without Mel Brooks as his partner. So I only recommend for seeing the clips from those classic actors and films and Ms Ward who shined as bright on screen in this film as any I've ever seen.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Juliet Forrest is convinced that the reported death of her father in a mountain car crash was no accident. Her father was a prominent cheese scientist working on a secret recipe. To prove it was murder, she enlists the services of private eye Rigby Reardon. He finds a slip of paper containing a list of people who are "The Friends and Enemies of Carlotta." Searching for answers, Rigby encounters assorted low-lifes: dangerous men and women who were the hallmarks of the classic detective movies of the 40's and 50's. Filming in black and white allows scenes from old movies to be cut into this film. It is through this process that Rigby's assistant is none other than Philip Marlowe himself. Written by Tony Fontana <>, Ed. by Peter Victor <>

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