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Sunday, April 7, 2013

World War III - 4 stars out of 5 stars

When I originally  saw this 1982 TV movie that runs 200 minutes,I was scared silly.Today its kinda dated and has the TV film feel,thus the 1 star off, BUT it still is a scary cold war film and far more believable than "Red Dawn"which I reviewed on this blog,ever was.
Deep cover KGB plant,elite Russian KGB shock troops,native eskimo week end warriors,grain embargoes,miss reads by politicos,a none elected former VP now president,and on and on.Anchoring it all is a military romance by Army officers thrown into the breech so to speak against determined and desperate russian troops fighting for a pipeline in Alaska.Its still scary because it shows just how fragile peace can be and add nukes,its a wonder we are all still here.See it,but be scared,be very scared.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.The cast?? B+ anchored by Rock Hudson and David Soul.

Soviet paratroopers drop into Alaska to sabotage the oil pipeline in retaliation against a United States grain embargo. A skirmish occurs at a pumping station, lightly defended by Col. Jake Caffey and a National Guard reckon unit. A stalemate ensues while the possibility of World War III hangs in the balance. The danger escalates as the Russian leaders and the American President play a cat-and-mouse game. Written by Herman Seifer <>

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