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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Ten Commandments ( 2006) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

 Hallmark Entertainment produced this 2006 TV movie/mini series,that runs 167 minutes. Can't say for sure,but I came across a DVD of it and I must say it stays with you.Yes the 1956 version with Heston,reviewed on this blog, as Moses was fabulous but I guess this version is more "Biblical"in the sense God is also shown as a vengeful mean and unforgiving instrument of punishment thru Moses,and NOT just to the Egyptians,much as in the real Biblical text.We can debate the paradoxes of God all day,that is what man has done forever,and in that longest,best selling book of all times,The Bible as well.So in that real sense this is far truer version to the Bible than Heston's 1956.Is it better tho?? Well on the tech side,the acting is a little uneven especially Dougray Scott's Mose's compared to Heston's. However could that be a preconceived idea of what Mose's was according to Heston?? Food for thought.On the effects side,it stands well by todays FX standards.
I guess it also has to do with the 50's vs the 2000's times in which it was filmed.
Many of todays remade updated film's of classic's are far "darker"than the originals.
Many even change the basic shorelines to achieve that darkness.Thats why most suck !!!
However in this case,being darker simply means showing sides of the"going biblical on your all a _ _'s"that are in the Bible itself and the 1956 version couldn't for that time really show.Because I'm not really sure myself,so I took 1 star off.However if you do read the Bible and want your children to understand it in all its paradoxes,despite the blood and violence,this might be the version for them.You have to decide for yourself,but by all means be aware of this version.Trailer URL follows the picture.

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