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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

TV Series - The Bible - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Redemption for the History Channel,as they had become a joke over the past few years with bad misleading programming.In this case,there can be some criticism but for the most part,its the bible as I remember it and thats all it really claimed to be.
A little publicity,wether planned or not,about the Devil and Obama surly helped the ratings as well. Remember Game of Throne,which I reviewed on this blog, and Bush ???
Anyway,the only reason for any criticism might be some of the stories picked,Joshua and the walls of Jerrico, and some that were just skinned over  like Noah's ark. That however is also part of the power of the bible,if you will,different strokes for different folks.The acting at times was powerful and at other times quite tedious.Thus I took 1 star off.Still,as a catholic i was moved a few times,quite moved.It will be out soon on DVD and if you have no bible or other religious film in your"christian"home,you could far worse that get this.Its not "The Ten Commandments"or "Ben Hur",films I also reviewed on this blog,BUT it does cover far more material and I may add it to my collection down the road,despite its small flaws. I recommend it unabashedly.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

 This is a 10-hour, five-part, mini-series. It will tell some of the best-known stories from the most popular book in human history, from Noah's Ark and the Exodus to Daniel in the Lion's Den to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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